6 Probioitc Foods that Heal Your Gut

Probiotics are all the rage these days.

They contain the beneficial bacteria that have some very powerful benefits for your brain, body, and belly fat… which is why probiotic supplements have gained a TON of popularity over the last few years.

Most folks don’t know that you can get many of the same (if not better) results from simply adding fermented foods to your diet—the natural way to get probiotics.

Six of our favorites are:

1: Raw Sauerkraut (I scramble it in my eggs…yummy)

2: Pickles (I munch on Karen’s homemade straight from the jar)

3: Yogurt (Stick with organic or raw Greek and look for live probiotics on the label)

4: Kefir (great for folks who are lactose intolerant and can’t handle dairy)

5: Kombucha (my new favorite, but the high quality brands are a bit pricey)

6: Raw cheese (very calorie condensed, so eat small amounts only)

You can also add fermented soy bean products to your diet in limited amounts like Natto and Tempeh.

NOTE: All of these should come from be raw or fermented varieties or at least contain “live” cultures.

But all of this is just advice. You can do whatever the fudge you wanna do! 🙂

Your Friend and coach,

Crystal aka Barbell Barbie. NY





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