Diet Myths Busted

Hey Guys! It’s Crystal and here are my top 5 diet myths busted

My top 5 DIET myths

1. Low sodium diet is the way to eat healthy and get lean

Sodium and salt does NOT have calories, it can not in itself make you gain fat. It’s needed for muscle function. The reason almost all diet programs tell you to cut out salt is to produce the ‘WOW I LOST 10 lbs on this program!” the first week. It’s a scam.

2. All saturated fat is dangerous and must be under 20 grams per day.

That’s not true. Saturated fat in its natural form (not partially hydrogenated) is not more dangerous than unsaturated fats.

You will not automatically get clogged arteries from eating butter. Health issues come from a combination of many things, for instance obesity+lack of exercise+high intake of sugar and carbs PLUS excess calories altogether from ALL sources of food.

3. Eating late at night makes you gain weight

No. You need to eat in a way you can maintain your healthy habits long term. If you base your diet on eating most of your food early and then starve at night, you can’t keep it up.

4. Best way to get cut is to go grain free, sugar free, dairy free and raw.

No. The reason elimination diets “work” is it reduces the food groups you have a chance of to over eat from. If you don’t have allergies or sensitivities to food and they work with your fitness goals, why avoid them? You must choose foods that work for your LONG TERM.

5. Keto diets are best for fat loss.

No. The diet you can STICK to long term and stay healthy and energized on IS. For some ketogenic diets can be therapeutic but if you’re not willing to do it for life, then it’s not a good option.

Not every diet is for every person, find the one that fits you and…..BE AWARE OF THE MYTHS ABOVE!!!

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