Directed by Cowboy Bebop‘s Shinichiro Watanabe, a new anime based on the Blade Runner film is in the works as reported by The Verge. The short is named Blade Runner Black Out 2022 and will take place three years after the original film. According to the official timeline of the movie, the plot will be based around an electricity failure on the United States western coast. That power failure soon results to cities shutting down, the financial and trade markets are thrown into chaos, and food supplies fall short. No one is sure as to what has caused the black outs, but Replicants (the bio-engineered robots featured in the original film) are blamed.
The teaser for the upcoming anime depicts behind-the-scenes footage of the animators and artists working on the film. It also contains the concept art for the costumes, characters, and a few action sequences.
Watanabe has stated that he wants to respect the original 1982 film and is in no way trying to imitate the original, Kotaku reports.