Album Review: Michael Cullen “True Believer”

Michael Cullen is a poet with a golden baritone and in my opinion the ghost of…

Pakistani Taliban Murders 148 in School Attack

The Pakistani Taliban sent seven men wearing suicide vests into a school run by Pakistan’s military…

Music Review: “Cold Blue Water” and Self-Titled Album

Eureka! Eureka, California that is…this place has birthed a butter smooth blues band, Cold Blue Water…your…

Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses

Sydney Suffers Lone Wolf Terror Attack

A 16-hour siege of a cafe in central Sydney, Australia, just ended. It appears there are…


Music Review: Direct Divide’s New Single “Abduction”

Classical instruments and rock music have a long and successful kinship, most notably Freddie Mercury and…

CIA Boss, War Criminal Brennan Has to Go

Yesterday, CIA Director John Brennan held a press conference at the agency’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia.…

ACLU Chief Suggests Pardon for US Torturers

Yesterday, the Senate Intelligence Committee issued what history will likely call the Feinstein Report, after California’s…

Indie Music Review: Cosby “Heartracer”

Find space on your iPod for some cool new music with an 80’s synth pop sound.…

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