In This Corner of the World (also known as Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni) is a 2016 Japanese animated war time drama. Produced by MAPPA, this story features character designs by Hidenori Matsubara and music by Kotringo. This film is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Fumiyo Kono.
Already getting Oscar buzz, this animated film by Sunao Katabuchi touches on a key moment in Japanese history. The film is set in the 1930s-40s in Hiroshima and Kure, Japan. In this riveting story, a creative young woman named Suzu marries a man named Shusaku and moves to Kure City, a city 15 miles away from her home in Hiroshima City. Due to the threat of war, Suzu adapts to the situation by attending training against air raids, helping with with food distribution, and makes women’s trousers fit for emergency evacuation. Seeking solace in her drawings, Suzu uses the unique landscape to her advantage. As the threat grows throughout the film Suzu keeps her cheerful and optimistic personality. Eventually the war reaches its peak and Suzu’s life is forever changed. I strongly encourage anyone and everyone to check out this film. But for now, feel free to watch this preview!