Kat Arielle is a multilingual entrepreneur and model. She is a political science major at Pepperdine University. Kat has already accomplished so much at young age and this California native plans to do more. Below is my interview with the beautiful Kat Arielle.
1)What is your first and last name? Where were you born and raised?
My name is Kat Arielle and I was born and raised in Los Angeles.
2) Are you currently in school? If so, what is your major?
Yes, I’m a Political Science major.
3)What made you choose your major?
I’m planning to attend law school to become an entertainment and sports attorney.
4) How many languages do you speak?
5) Do you think it’s an advantage in your line of work to know more than one language?
Yes. English because I live in US. Spanish is useful because there’s many Hispanics in LA. Mandarin Chinese is important for business because China has such a strong economy.
6) Do you have any hobbies?
Working out at the gym, hiking, basketball and exploring new places to take photos at. I like eating out, water sports, music festivals and watching movies.

7) What is your favorite color and why?
White because it looks bright and clean and I love it in clothes because it shows a nice contrast between the white and my tan skin.
8) Are you into comics?
I’m super into Marvel and DC movies and TV shows but I’ve never read a comic.
9) Do you have a favorite cartoon character/superhero?
My favorite superhero is Thor from Marvel and Superman from DC.
10) I created a superhero named Double Shot who has the ability to create and manipulate coffee. If you were given the gift of a super power, what would it be?
11) Are you excited the Golden State Warriors are going to their fourth straight NBA finals?
Super stoked! Dub Nation for life!
12) We made two bets that either the Rockets and Warriors would win Game 6 and 7 of the Western Conference Finals and obviously you won both times. Would you raised the stakes with me in the Finals?
We’ll see about that…
13) What good advice would you give the youth out there about succeeding in life?
Love yourself and don’t let others’ negativity bring you down because if you believe in yourself you can achieve anything as long as you fully commit to your goal!

If you want to see more of Kat Arielle, follow her on Instagram @katxarielle and Snapchat @hey.itskat
Follow SEVNetwork on Instagram @sevnetwork
Also, if you want to know how much coffee Double Shot drinks per day, follow me on Twitter @BlueJayHJB