Music Review: Mpathy “The Golden Boy” Single/EP

Mpathy-5aaaaaaa-580x329Mpathy, a Bostonian and mad scientist ( okay, not really but ‘mad’ and ‘scientist’ go together so well) has merged the two halves of his World, one science and the other music, to create a music based alchemy. The EP ‘The Golden Boy’ single from the similarly named EP, is a lyrical post-it if you will…I say post-it, because who wants to go on at length, about the subject of night terrors…short, bitter and sweet is ‘The Golden Boy’ an ode to the night terrors that Mpathy suffered in childhood.

Mpathy’s sound can be described as Indie pop, Electropop or Shoegaze ( if you don’t know what that means Google it, I did.) and Indie folk.

His latest EP ‘The Golden Boy’ goes deep into his emotions, fears and psyche. You could call the lead single ‘The Golden Boy’ dark, bubbling ear fizz…..cause most pop music is just that…fizz, but fun nevertheless.

With dark tones and some unsettling subject matter ‘The Golden Boy’ EP has offerings you might enjoy in an well lit room, with snacks and friends nearby.

Released May 12,2015

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