Nutrition Can Make You Or Break You…

Nutrition can seem like just a simple word, but it can seem so overwhelming at the same time…

Along my own journey of losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle, this one word that we refer to as nutrition just continued to haunt me all the time…

No matter what I did, it just felt like the hardest thing for me to master.

Do you ever feel this way?
Your Body Is Like A Machine…

Once I started to think of my body as a machine and what that machine needs everything started to change…

I started to think of my body like a car!

Think about it, your car can ONLY run on gasoline…
(unless you have one of those futuristic electric cars lol)

So, you can’t pour water into your gas tank instead and expect it to operate right?

You can’t pour beer into your car as fuel and expect it to operate correctly. Right?

Your body is the SAME way.

So I want you to think about this for a second:

Are you fueling your body with the correct things for it to operate?
… lean proteins, complex carbs, healthy fats, vegetables and fruits?
all of those things that have nutrients in them??


Are you trying to Fuel your body with JUNK?
…& then wondering why you always feel tired, sick, moody, or just want to sleep after you eat a bad meal??

Makes sense right?

This is how I break it down in my own life when I think about fueling my body, I ask myself this question:

“Is this food for PURPOSE or is it for PLEASURE?”

Eat What You Need And Not What You Want…
That’s a whole other category.

Even though your body craves pleasurable food, it does not mean that food can actually help your body operate…

Your brain needs certain nutrients to operate…

Your organs need certain nutrients to operate…

Your immune system needs certain nutrients to operate…

Your muscles need certain nutrients to operate…

When you start fueling your body for purpose instead of pleasure, it can start to operate efficiently!

The Proper Nutrition Can Do Wonders For Your Health…
I know so many people that were able to fix their migraines by changing their nutrition…

I’ve met other people that were able to improve their energy level, mood, stress level, and overall internal health drastically by eating better…

It’s just crazy what nutrition can do for your body!

So next time you put something in your mouth think clearly.. Are you fueling your machine correctly or just eating out of emotion or pleasure.

All of this is just advise. You can do whatever the f**ck you wanna do.

Live, Laugh, love and Lift Heavy Sh**! 🙂

Your friend and coach,



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