Warner Bros. Animation announced the return of the Justice League to their upcoming series lineup for Cartoon Network. Justice League Action is the title given to newest addition of the DC Comics based animated shows, following the (rather cruelly) canceled yet fan-beloved Young Justice, its predecessor Justice League and it’s sequel series Justice League Unlimited.
The ‘quarter-hour’ animated series will mark the return of none other than Kevin Conroy, long-standing fan-favorite voice-actor since the days of Batman: The Animated Series, as the Dark Knight himself.
The official description for JLA reads:
Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman lead the DC Comics Super Heroes against their most infamous foes in adventures packed with relentless thrills, fun and action. No need to wait for the good stuff to start, each eleven-minute episode jumps in with lightning-paced action and heroics. Whether defending the Earth, facing invaders from space, or battling the bizarre forces of magic, the always-rotating team of Justice League heroes, are up to any challenge.
Also returning to the voice-booth for JLA, none other than Mark Hamill, who will be reprising his role as ‘Clown Prince of Crime’, the Joker. James Woods will be a part of the voice cast as Lex Luthor, along with Diedrich Bader as Booster Gold.
Sam Register (Teen Titans Go!) serves as Justice League Action’s executive producer, with Alan Burnett (Batman: The Animated Series), Butch Lukic (Justice League, Batman Beyond) and Jim Krieg (Green Lantern: The Animated Series) serving as producers for the show.
So, what are you lot’s thoughts, questions, concerns about this new development over at Warner Bros. Animation? Does the news of Justice League Action come with welcome or woe? Share, comment and — as always — stay plugged in to SE for more Comic Nook News as it develops.