The movie “Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse,” showcases a new Spider-Man hero and its release date in the USA is this December 14, 2018 in theaters.
The critics are calling it, “The year’s best animated movie.” In the trailer, Marvel comic actor Shameik Moore who voiced Miles Morales (Spider-Man) develops supernatural powers while attending High School. Miles uses his newly discovered skills to battle the evil Kingpin, a hulking madman who can open portals to other universes and pull different versions of Spider-Man into the world.
Actor Moore desired long ago to be character Miles Morales. He expressed it to CNET. “When I was younger and I first saw Miles Morales, I thought, ‘Dude, this is a black Spider-Man. I definitely want to play a black Spider-Man some day.'”
Furthermore, critics are also mentioning how entertaining, adventurous, funny and educational the movie is for children of all ages and even adults.