This symbol is the letter “N” in Arabic. It is being painted on the homes of Christians in Iraq by members and supporters of ISIS, a vicious group of militant Muslims who want the return of all former lands of the Ottoman Empire, and more. That includes some European countries and Israel. By painting this racist symbol on someone’s place of residence, the terrorist group is marking the occupant as a “Nazarene”, a follower of Jesus Christ the Nazarene.
It’s outrageous.
Painting the arabic “N” symbol on a Christian’s home is targeting the Christian for discrimination and death. The Muslims are giving the following choices to the targeted Christians: get out of Iraq, convert to Islam, or be killed. Simple as that. No propaganda. It’s exactly what was done to Christian families under the Ottoman Empire for centuries. It’s Islamic Nazism towards the Nazarenes. Two N words that the media are not using while they under report news worthy stories in favor of bombarding you with sports, a celebrity’s rehab, and any other political topic that does not show discrimination against Christians. Marking Christians for death is similar to what Hitler’s Nazis did to the Jewish people by having them wear the Star of David on their persons. Telling Christians to leave or die is like putting a burning cross on a black man’s lawn in the late 1960s. It’s the same thing. The world turns and nothing changes.
People on Facebook are changing their profile pic to the “N” symbol as protest to the violent criminal injustices committed against Christians worldwide, much of which is not being reported by the media. The western nations are looking the other way and are punishing those who are speaking out for religious freedom and even for freedom of speech.
Earlier this year in the United Kingdom, a politician was told by the local police that he could not speak out against Islam. The politician was simply quoting British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, who led Britain during World War II against the evils of Hitler and the Axis Powers. To make matters worse, a recent news item in the British press has reported that British citizens were enlisting in ISIS instead of their own country’s Army Reserve. Churchill must be rolling in his grave with what has happened in the United Kingdom and the free world now. Like in the days of Hitler and Stalin, free people are being told how to think and not to talk.
The United States is no better. As the domestic, economic, and foreign policies of the scandal laden the White House; an inept, incompetent, ineffective Congress continues to prove that most of them need to be voted out of office this November and that term limits be applied to all political office. Not one elected official has gotten the Christian American preacher locked up in Iran out or has done anything to help the Christian families in Iraq.
The leaders of the Christian churches must be more vigilant and adamant in their positions if they are to be considered as religious leaders. They need to pressure the world leaders and their flock into taking action against this injustice. No red line has been drawn in the sand on behalf of Christians. The politicians’ continuous grandstanding and finger pointing at the ‘other’s’ party affiliation does nothing for those Christians in Iraq and they will not stop the violent acts of discrimination committed by ISIS. With no outcry from the world leaders, the racist murderers will continue their acts of terror. They will move on to another nation and commit the same atrocities. They will feel unstoppable. They will be unstoppable.
For evil to triumph good men and women, we must do nothing, be silent. You can show your support in this movement by using the Arabic “N” symbol as your profile picture or posting it on your page. If you are a Christian or believe in freedom of religion, don’t be a hypocrite and look the other way. Consider it a yellow ribbon until targeted Christians are free to practice their faith on this earth as others are. Yes, mistakes have been committed by Christians in the past but that is a lame excuse for not speaking out or defending them for the acts of others. Multiple wrongs never make anything right and no other religious organization has done more good for others than Catholic Charities; and I’m not even Catholic.
Politicians spend a lot of time, money, and energy on lying to you to get re-elected. Make them do their job. Send them a message. Peace be with all of you.