Putin Admits Russia Was Behind Crimean Troubles

Politicians lie all the time, or so the conventional wisdom has it. What is rare is…

Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress was Merely Grandstanding

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint-session of Congress yesterday, which about 60 Democratic…

President Obama vs. FCC and Net Neutrality

As discussed on Sunday’s show, President Obama intends to sign an executive order tomorrow, February 27,…

An American take on The Paris Terrorist Attacks

In early January, we watched as terrorist attacks plagued The fashion capitol of the world Paris,…

What Color is the Dress?

Is the dress White and Gold or Blue and Black? The question everyone has been asking…

Oscar winner Patricia Arquette calls for pay equality for women

“It’s our time to have wage equality once and for all, and equal rights for women…

Keystone XL Pipeline Still Alive Despite Obama’s Veto

Feb 24th, President Barack Obama wielded his veto pen for the third time in his presidency.…

Greece Bail Out Extension Coming

Last week ended with an agreement between Greece and Germany over the way forward in dealing…


As the old saying goes, ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.’  That…

A Personal Take on American Food….

I’ve spent most of 2014, and the first month of 2015 in Europe. Though I do…

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