Cosplay of the Week

photo by Michael Michael IG: michael7michael

13 Rarest Gemstones and Minerals Ever Seen

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

Cosplay of the Week

photo by Michael Michael IG: michael7michael

Black History Of The First Female Captain Marvel


Characters We Didn’t Expect To Be Confirmed For Endgame


My Biggest Problem with Cons

For a long time my biggest problem with cons has been the lack of practical items…

Dipping the Big Toe: My First Experience At a Comic Book Convention

Since childhood, nothing made me feel better than being surrounded by superheroes and comic books. What…

Watch This Before You See Captain Marvel

The 28-Minute AMRAP Workout To Build Muscle And Burn Fat (((Summer Shred))

It’s exciting to start a leaning-out cycle because you probably have an image in your mind…

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