Cosplay of the Week

photo by Michal Michael IG: michael7michael

Street Fighter V Will Get a Fourth Season, ‘Super’ Edition

Capcom continued to hit its stride this year with Street Fighter V following a disappointing launch a couple…

The 30 Best Arm Exercises of All Time

Doing compound barbell movements is necessary for getting strong. However, squats and deadlifts alone won’t get…

The Hispanic Producer Joseph Quesada

Joseph “Joe” Quesada is one of the most powerful Hispanics of our time. He holds the…

Double Shot makes his comic book debut

Your favorite coffee loving superhero FINALLY makes his Comic Book debut in Tales from the Streets of…

Clark Gregg Responds to His Younger Look in ‘Captain Marvel’ Trailer

Clark Gregg looks like he never aged in the upcoming movie Captain Marvel. Clark Gregg, who…

Ray Fisher Tests Out Six Flags’ Cyborg Ride

Ray Fisher, who played DCEU’s Cyborg in Justice League, returned to his home state of New Jersey to ride…

Photo Leads To Speculation About Favorite to return in Avengers 4

Avengers 4 is drawing near and there is big news about a possible return for a…

Cosplay of the Week

photo by Michael Michael IG: michael7michael

Ryan Reynolds Pays Tribute to Burt Reynolds

Another legend passed away In the wake of the tragic passing of Burt Reynolds earlier today, many people…

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