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The Most Anticipated Movies Of 2020

What The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 8 Teaser Really Means


Cosplay of the Week

photo by Michael Michael IG: michael7michael

The Most Awaited Latin Movie ‘Que Leon’

Ozuna, a well known Latin Trap and Reggeaton artist is starring in his first role in…

Free Sewing Patterns for Cosplay Costumes

Hey guy, So I don’t know how crafty you are or how well you can sew…

Refeed day or a Cheat day

Have you been dieting long enough this time to start dreaming of cakes, cookies, and pasta,…

Top 5 Creatine Supplements for Muscle and Strength

If you are looking for a supplement that get’s results then creatine is the way to…

Marvel and DC Upcoming Films in 2019

The new year 2019 is finally here but that also means sharing a rundown of the…

Justice League and Marvel Shopping Sales

There are sales going on during this Holiday season that you won’t want to miss. If…

The Animated Spider-Man Marvel Movie

The movie “Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse,” showcases a new Spider-Man hero and its release date in…

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