About 6%DOKIDOKI (official brand)

Sebastian Masuda, well-known in contemporary art and the stage, opened this store as a place of…

Gundriver Delivers

Gundriver Records, 2013 There’s something re-assuring about this release. It sounds like it could’ve been released in…

Radius Etc, Beyond Luck, and Lagos. It’s that deep.

I can’t remember the season, but in 2008 I met a gentleman by the name of…

Jack + Jill’s Epic Americana

Jack + Jill Coloradio Independent Release, 2013 This is a band which confounds all around. For…

Typhoon Haiyan Philippines

  The Philippine President Benigno Aquino has declared a state of national calamity to speed relief…

India Launches Mars Probe

India made a big move earlier today in its space program, launching an unmanned probe to…

Graveyard Lovers. More than just “Dreamers”

By now you can tell I’ve covered and interviewed enough bands to know a good thing…

Reverend Horton Heat’s Psychobilly Revival

Reverend Horton Heat’s Psychobilly Revival Reverend Horton Heat W/ Wayne “The Train” Hancock The County Line…

Informal Review on Katy Perry’s Prism

Katy Perry’s third album, Prism was officially released on Tuesday October 22nd. Many agree that this…

Healthcare.gov is Buggy, So What?

The website that is supposed to guide Americans through the health insurance buying process is www.healthcare.gov,…

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