The “N” Word

This symbol is the letter “N” in Arabic.   It is being painted on the homes…

Stereo Off: Five Different Bands in One

Electro Rock quintet, Stereo Off, released their 5 tracked EP earlier this year. I am not…

Is Female Bodybuilding Too Big For The World?

There is a campaign to get 10,000 likes and shares on Facebook for a documentary about…

Betty Black – “Come Back Lover”

J-POP Summit Festival 2014

Japanese pop music has arrived and has it’s own festival and a legion of American fans.…

A Music Review: The LockHearts

Lock on to the up and coming band The Lockhearts and come and listen to their…

Triumph over Tribulation

Jamie Michelle Israel has many facets to her life. I have had the extreme pleasure of…

A Music Review: Mangoseed “Basquiat”

Funk, reggae, punk rock with a socio-political message loaded with a mix of fun…yeah, baby!…’s new…

JAY Z & Beyoncé “RUN”

Electro House 2014 Club Mix

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